New Course: FAC 094 Improving Transparency in the Federal Marketplace: Digital Nonavailability Waivers
FAI is pleased to announce a new online training course in FAI CSOD!. FAC-094 Improving Transparency in the Federal Marketplace: Digital Nonavailability Waivers is a 30 minute, web-based training worth .5 CLP. This course introduces the new digital waiver process for proposed nonavailability waivers under the Buy American Act and the role the new Made in America Office has in that process.
Two Updated Courses! FAC 063: Buy American Statute and FAC 057: COR Refresher
Two of FAI's online courses, FAC 063 Buy American statute and FAC 057 COR Refresher, have recently been updated and published. Register through FAI CSOD to ensure you stay aware of all the latest changes to policies and procedures. Earn 2 CLPs for each course.
FAI Announces FAC-093, Introduction to Supply Chain Risk Management
The Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI), in collaboration with GSA and interagency subject matter experts, have developed a new web-based training course, FAC-093 Introduction to Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) that addresses gaps identified in the rapidly evolving SCRM landscape. This one-hour, one-CLP online course is available at FAI CSOD.
Adobe Flash Issues Impacting Five (5) Online Training (OLT) Courses
FAI has urgent news about five (5) Online Training (OLT) Courses that had to be retired immediately due to Adobe Flash issues.
EXTENSIONS to Federal Acquisition Certifications (FAC) and Continuous Learning (CL)
FAI recognizes the challenges associated with classroom training and in-person event cancellations, as organizations focus on continuity of operations. As a result, all Federal Acquisition Certifications (FAC) and Continuous Learning (CL) achievement requirements with a current status of February 1, 2020, are extended and are considered valid until further notice.