The panel takes questions from the audience and shares different points of view.

The Federal-wide Buyers Club is being implemented to inform, inspire, and encourage the use of innovative acquisition methods necessary to successfully meet federal IT service needs, though many…
In this inaugural episode of the Behind the Buy podcast series, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Mark Naggar, the project manager for the Buyers Club at the Department of Health and Human…
In this second episode of the Behind the Buy podcast series, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Jonathan Mostowski, the Contracting Officer at the U.S. Digital Service. During the episode,…

This seminar will feature examples of where agile acquisition has been successfully implemented in the Federal Government. The lessons learned, success stories, and the opportunity to question the…
In this third episode of the Behind the Buy podcast series, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Traci Walker, a founding member of the U.S. Digital Service’s procurement team. During the…
In this fourth installment of the Behind the Buy podcast series, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Consumer Financial Protection Bureau contracting officer, Tara Jamison, who has experience…
In the fifth episode of the Behind the Buy podcast series, OFPP Administrator Anne Rung interviews Chris Cairns, a former founding member of a private equity company and now Managing Director of…

This is the first video in the CIO Council IT Symposium series. It provides an overview of the HHS Buyers Club, an example of a recent IT acquisition that utilized an Agile approach, and the Agile…

This is the second video in the CIO Council IT Symposium series. It takes a look at FedRAMP, the first government wide security authorization program for FISMA.
The Federal Chief…