The FAC-C (Professional) Exam - Your Questions Answered
A key component of FAC-C Modernization is a Contracting Certification Exam that will be required for new contracting professionals who have not previously held any FAC-C or DAWIA certification.
Office of Federal Procurement Policy Issues FAC-C Modernization Memo
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy is modernizing the Federal Acquisition Certification in Contracting (FAC-C).
Updated FAI Student Training Guidebook Released
Bookmark the FAI Student Training Guidebook! The guidebook is a resource for federal civilian agency acquisition workforce students, acquisition career and training managers, training and development vendors, and others who participate in Federal Acquisition Certification training.
Those that are FAC-C certified as of Feb. 1, 2023 will be automatically awarded the new FAC-C (Professional) certificate in FAI CSOD
If you’re a contracting professional, watch this video to learn about the future of the FAC-C framework and what it means for you.
Now Available! FAC 098 Contract Innovation Exploration
FAI and OFPP have released a new online course, FAC 098 Contract Innovation Exploration, in FAI CSOD.
New Online Course FAC 097 Navigating Buy American and Trade Agreements
A new online course, FAC 097 Navigating Buy American and Trade Agreements, is now available in FAI CSOD. This new course incorporates all of the changes from FAR Rule 2021-008, including the new domestic content requirements for Buy American, the new fallback threshold, as well as the new price evaluation preferences for critical items and critical components.
REVISED FAC-COR Competency Model is Live!
The Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Federal Acquisition Institute and Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) subject matter experts across federal civilian agencies updated the FAC-COR competency model. The revised model reflects the evolving environment of CORs and is better aligned with the current role of a COR.
Continuous Learning Individual Progress Dashboard is Here!
We are pleased to announce the new Continuous Learning Individual Progress (CLIP) dashboard in the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI) Cornerstone OnDemand (CSOD) system.
OFPP Acquisition Flash 22-01 on CL Requirements
Important update! Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) Federal Acquisition Certification Continuous Learning requirements are scheduled to go back into effect on May 1, 2022. Read OFFP’s latest Acquisition Flash to learn more.
New Course: FAC 094 Improving Transparency in the Federal Marketplace: Digital Nonavailability Waivers
FAI is pleased to announce a new online training course in FAI CSOD!. FAC-094 Improving Transparency in the Federal Marketplace: Digital Nonavailability Waivers is a 30 minute, web-based training worth .5 CLP. This course introduces the new digital waiver process for proposed nonavailability waivers under the Buy American Act and the role the new Made in America Office has in that process.